More than one hundred volunteers evaluate local health and human service programs and initiatives and carefully distribute funds to ensure your gift is invested wisely. This process allows our United Way to be extremely efficient, keeping costs low so more dollars go towards providing services. Our United Way partners with nonprofits, businesses, and government entities to help as many people as possible. By donating to United Way of Miami County, you can support the causes you care about and make a positive impact on those around you all through a single contribution. United Way connects us all, providing real impact through quality programs, services, and initiatives. LIVE UNITED through your investment in the community and in the future, today!
When you give to United Way of Miami County, your dollars stay in your community to help people who live in your community. Your generosity helps make Miami County a better place for us all. We help people learn, develop, hope, and live their best lives. Our goals are to make Miami County thrive in the areas of education, income, and health that will advance the common good for all in our community.
Education is the cornerstone of individual and community success. It is essential to getting and keeping a job with a livable wage and health benefits, and it is fundamental to a community’s economic prosperity: a well-educated workforce attracts world-class jobs.
High School graduation is the single most powerful predictor of whether a young person coming from generations of poverty will break the cycle. Essential skills honed in school – such as critical thinking and effective communication – increase a child’s likelihood of becoming productive adults and active citizens.
But we can’t focus on high school alone. Research shows that quality early childhood education, regular attendance and reading at grade level by the end of third grade play a key role in preparing children for the future. In fact, there are key milestones across the cradle to career continuum that serve as checkpoints to ensure young people stay on track and receive the support they need to reach their full potential. It takes all of us – supportive communities, effective schools, and strong families – working together to get the job done.
Financial stability is not a simple, one-step process. Many people struggle to get by, even while working multiple jobs. Family-sustaining income is a cornerstone of financial stability: the key to paying the rent, putting food on the table, and affording childcare and transportation. It is also the springboard to longer-term asset building strategies such as saving to buy a home, sending kids to college, and saving for retirement.
While continuing to address critical needs such as emergency food, housing, utilities, and transportation for individuals and families in crisis, United Way of Miami County is partnering with the local community to develop resources and opportunities that help individuals and families move up the ladder of financial security. Local initiatives and other efforts supported range from improving access to quality childcare, transportation, and legal services to tax refunds saving, and job creation strategies.
The word health has many different meanings. At United Way, we believe a comprehensive approach to health is needed to help people begin and sustain healthy lives. The World Health Organization defines health as: “The state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmary.”
A healthy community is one that supports individual health, safety and development; one where individuals can live free of violence and abuse; one where opportunities for physical activity and a nutritious diet are accessible to all; one where people of all ages have health care services for preventative, mental health, and dental care to support overall well-being.
That’s why United Way of Miami County is working to improve health in our community by mobilizing people and organizations who have the expertise and resources to help people live healthy lives.
Earl Rieves